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Abr 24

Chick Corea and Béla Fleck

Com Béla Fleck e Chick Corea em Royce Hall - UCLA

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Quinta-feira 24 de Abril de 2014 às 20h00m


Royce Hall - UCLA
340 Royce Drive, Los Angeles, 90095, United States

Tel: 310-825-2101


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Jazz fans know Chick Corea and Béla Fleck as master musicians in their own right.

In 2007 these two Grammy winners collaborated on a groundbreaking album, The Enchantment, which pushed both musicians to their limits as sonic explorers. As a duo, Fleck and Corea combine a variety of musical styles and flavors—from blues to bluegrass, and from classical to country.

Fleck first saw Corea live when he was 17 and that night with Return to Forever changed the banjo player’s outlook on music. Melodic and richly tonal, the original compositions recorded by this compelling duo have a special way of taking hold of the listener. In live performance, they deliver a mesmerizing fusion of styles.

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