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Sábado 19 de Abril de 2014 às 21h00m


1a Camden High Street, London, NW1 7JE, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)870 432 5527


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Please note, this show is 18+.

The multi-instrumentalist, the rapper and the legendary Los Angeles based producer MADLIB, will be flying in for a rare and exclusive Soundcrash London performance at KOKO on 19 April with the company of some serious support: Brainfeeder’s JEREMIAH JAE, Werkdiscs’ MOIRE + a DJs favourite DJ, KUTMAH! Beatmakers and beyond, come show some love for the Mad Liberator.

Certainly not needing any introduction, MADLIB is a loop-digger, excavating the sounds of the past and harnessing his scattered ideas and musical fragments into a cohesive train of thought. Madlib's whole life revolves around music. His 4 tonne record library spans countless genres, with his symphonies including one-man jazz séances, sweltering reggae and Brazilian mixes, attic-creaking instrumental hip-hop, and collaborations with acts like J Dilla and Erykah Badu.

"Some people think I’m crazy but I’m just a normal dude that loves music." - Madlib 2014

Please note, this is a late show. As such, acts may be on stage later than normal. Doors are at 9pm and curfew is 3am.

If you need more information, you can contact the venue for stage times in the week of the event.

Tickets for this show are available from the box office at the venue at face value if you pay in cash. Please note promoters may increase ticket price if purchased on the night. Please note, you may be required to have your ID scanned at the front door.

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