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Sábado 13 de Setembro de 2014 às 19h00m


Granada Theater
3524 Greenville Ave, Dallas, 75206, United States

Tel: 214-824-9933


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Atlanta's beloved sons the Black Lips(Jared,Ian,Cole, and Joe) entered last year through a screaming cloud of sweat, smoke, blood, and beer mist. After a spring and summer of exciting audiences across the world, the Lips embarked on a month-long fall tour of the Middle East. They were tailed by Georgia rock-doc royalty Bill Cody, of Athens, GA - Inside/Out fame, who filmed the band playing for Egypt who had just overthrown their government, kids in Iraq who barely have a government, and kids in Dubai who finally get to see a band that isn't in the top 40. As Cody assembled his footage into the feature Kids Like You and Me, the band returned home from the New Year's maelstrom and began settling into album mode. Recording for Underneath the Rainbow was split between New York with Thomas Brenneck, who was recommended by Arabia Mountain producer Mark Ronson, and Nashville with the the Black Keys' Patrick Carney, who offered to help produce in a Mexico city hotel room just before dawn.

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