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Abr 30

Twin Shadow


Com Erik Hassle e Until the Ribbon Breaks em The Fonda Theatre

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Este evento foi cancelado.


Quinta-feira 30 de Abril de 2015 às 21h00m


The Fonda Theatre
6126 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, 90028, United States

Tel: (323) 464-6269


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Driving on Friday morning April 17th, Twin Shadow's tour bus hit a tractor-trailer on Interstate 70 in Aurora, Colorado. The circumstances surrounding the accident are being investigated.
There were 12 people on the tour bus consisting of band and crew. Everyone was taken to two local hospitals. At this time both driver John Crawford and Twin Shadow drummer Andy Bauer remain hospitalized, in serious condition. George Lewis Jr. AKA Twin Shadow will be undergoing reconstructive hand surgery this week.
While everyone involved in the accident recovers, Twin Shadow are postponing tour dates scheduled for April 21- May 22nd.
The band and crew send a heartfelt thanks to everyone in Colorado and beyond who have helped through this difficult time.
We will update you as we have more information.

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