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Sábado 20 de Setembro de 2014 às 20h00m


Death by Audio
49 S 2nd St, Brooklyn, 11249, United States


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HEY AMERICA! We're Leroy & Kat aka The Gooch Palms from Newcastle, Australia and we're coming over to do a big ol' tour and to play Gonerfest this August and September!!!

"Leroy Macqueen and Kat Friend are only two, but they fill out the stage with enough energy, enthusiasm, and rough-cut garage punk to make a Ramones concert look like a musical guest-spot on Ellen DeGeneres." - Tone Deaf

If you like super fun shows with catchy songs then you'll probably like us! We'll be announcing supports, times and ticket prices closer to the shows but chuck these dates in your diary and we'll make sure you won't regret it!!!

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