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Segunda-feira 29 de Setembro de 2014 às 20h00m


Cafe OTO
18-22 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL, United Kingdom


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Josephine Foster makes a welcome return to OTO, this time with full band following on from last year's stunning album 'I'm A Dreamer' (Fire Records). Another welcome opportunity to experience Foster's magnificent voice, swooping and swaying through the melodic arrangements (Morriconeon in their power and imagination) of her band. Some songs are singalongs, some are deep atmospheric tales that leave the listener yearning to know more.

American gothic, breathless folk and mountain music are all drawn upon by the band but boy oh boy, do they swing and swing, with Spanish guitar maestro Victor Herrero channelling all kinds of colour and texture into proceedings. At the heart of the fulsome live sound - which this time around also features Jose Luis Herrero on piano and Joe Carvell on double bass - will be Foster’s voice, evoking the nostalgic warmth and beauty of a phonograph.

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