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Nov 29


Com Jaga Jazzist e Dorian Concept em Union Chapel

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Sábado 29 de Novembro de 2014 às 19h00m


Union Chapel
Compton Terrace, London, N1 2UN, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)20 7226 1686


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‘Jaga Jazzist aren't a jazz band…but they're not exclusively any other kind of band either. A uniquely independent ensemble.’ – The Guardian

Following sold-out performances with Soundcrash at Islington Academy, Vilage Underground and most recently Koko, we’ve been looking forward to arranging another bout of the glorious, long, dreamy psychedelic compositions of this band ever since! The chance has finally arisen, at the architectural treasure – that is Union Chapel this November!

But just what is Jaga Jazzist?

Jaga Jazzist is a restless soul, going in many directions at the same time, but always moving forward quickly and sure-footedly; a band bent on pushing boundaries, both personal and musical, rendering it almost impossible to categorize; a collection of eclectic minds, instruments and musical ideologies with shared goals; therein lies the very special uniqueness of this musical tour de force.

They are just Jaga Jazzist. And this is what they must be.

With ten highly proficient musicians come ten different views on the music, and these eclectic origins are palpable in both the recordings and the live shows. Having been described as 'The Norwegian Cinematic Orchestra' (though somewhat unfairly as the Jazzists are 5 years their senior) since their 2001 signing to Ninja Tune they have toured extensively, playing jazz festivals and electronica shows alike, always amazing their audiences with the depth of music and skilled musicianship, so they are now renowned as "one of the best live bands on Ninja Tune", an extremely high accolade in anybody's books considering the company they are in!

A special band at a special venue. A must see.

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