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Sexta-feira 28 de Novembro de 2014 às 20h00m


World Cafe Live
3025 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, 19104, United States

Tel: 215-222-1400


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In the past six years since inception, BORIS GARCIA has set about trouncing genre “lines in the sand” and has fused Pop, Bluegrass and Jam into their own undeniable sound. BORIS GARCIA was born when friends recorded for fun only to find an audience beyond their wildest dreams. “We put together a band of the best local musicians for a one-off gig,” “It worked so well we did it again, and again, and again.” BORIS GARCIA quickly evolved into one of the most unique Americana / Jam bands in the land. They masterfully blend acoustic and electric instrumentation with American roots sensibility and melody that envelopes like a warm robe

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