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Jan 22


Com David Pendleton no Sellersville Theater

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Quinta-feira 22 de Janeiro de 2015 às 20h00m


Sellersville Theater
24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville, PA, 18960, United States

Tel: 215-257-5808


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As one of the nation’s premiere ventriloquists, David Pendleton, will make you believe anything that can talk! He's a 20 year veteran, family friendly entertainer with a stellar technique that'll keep you laughing from start to finish. David brings a wide variety of comedic characters including lovable but blunt Aunt Tilly, a 94 year old spinster; quick witted trouble maker Mack Elroy with his laid back sidekick; the dopey yet adorable Buford The Beagle and rounding out the cast is Vern, a slightly misguided albino Vulture. Of course there will also be a few surprise appearances from members of the audience!

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