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Abr 10



Com Verma no Empty Bottle

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Este evento foi cancelado.


Sexta-feira 10 de Abril de 2015 às 21h00m


Empty Bottle
1035 N Western Avenue, Chicago, 60622, United States

Tel: +1-(773)-276-3600


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“We are really sorry to tell you that unfortunately we are forced to cancel our upcoming US/Canadian tour. There has been an unexplained hold-up in the visa process and we will now not have them back in time for the tour which was due to start in Santa Ana, CA next week. I don’t know whether this is some kind of backlog from SXSW or whether we are just an unfortunate anomaly, but everything was submitted with plenty of time, and there were zero issues with visas when we played in New York 18 months ago, so we’re just as confused and upset as anyone else.
We’ve spent the last 6 months organising this trip along with our US booking agent Alisa and the good people at Domino, so devastated doesn’t really begin to cover it.
We’ve already lost a fairly substantial amount of our own money on visa applications and other various costs, so I think that when one of us gets a minute we will stick our leftover merchandise up for sale on our Bigcartel page to try and scrape some of that back, if anyone is feeling generous.
We’re currently trying our best to re-arrange the whole tour for later on in 2015, but at this stage it is still completely up in the air, so we can’t make any promises.
Huge apologies to anyone that was planning to come and see us, and to all the promoters and bands we were supposed to play for/with. Hopefully we’ll be able to make it up to you all at some point in the not-too-distant future. If you’ve bought tickets then refunds should be available from your point of purchase, but please let us know if there are any issues.
Hookies x”

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