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Mar 5


Com Max Cooper no Oval Space

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Quinta-feira 5 de Março de 2015


Oval Space
29-32 The Oval, London, E2 9DT, United Kingdom


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Max Cooper's Emergence is the story of how "everything comes from (almost) nothing". A groundbreaking visual and musical show, it sees ex-scientist Cooper create an overpowering sensory and dancefloor experience.

Ranging freely across time, from the first days of the universe to the fierce intensity of modern society and beyond, Emergence is a one-man show soundtracking pulsing techno, electronica and starkly beautiful beatless passages against the unique visuals of multiple visual artists. Its premiere was described by pivotal US festival promoter Sean Horton - the man who bought shows like I:SAM to the US - as "the most beautiful and stunning display of talent and technology we've ever hosted".

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