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Abr 23

Com Kane Holler no Granada Theater

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Quinta-feira 23 de Abril de 2015 às 19h00m


Granada Theater
3524 Greenville Ave, Dallas, 75206, United States

Tel: 214-824-9933


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When they decided to decamp to Ibiza to record their third album "Super Critical", Katie & Jules from THE TING TINGS had a slight "uh-oh" moment. "We'd been to Berlin to make the second record," says Jules, "and done nothing but get high and look at great architecture. Going to Ibiza had party written all over it. Obviously we were going to get nothing done'. As it turned out, unleashing their party spirit was exactly the impetus and momentum needed to craft something special and true to the starting spirit of their musical adventures. THE TING TINGS were born out of the night-time. They bonded at sun-up, wired in Salford warehouses. Success came as a surprising blind-side to them. Being in the middle of an island for the winter, having to make all their own fun? This is the stuff they excel at.

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