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Ago 29

It’s A Love Thing Single Mixer

Com Various Artists no American Legion

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Sábado 29 de Agosto de 2015 às 19h00m


American Legion
New York, United States

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The event aims to present an exciting opportunity for all guests to connect with others. Special Guests the talented singer Petawane. In addition a special guest DJ will keep guests in good spirits with his toe-tapping numbers at the event.

Starting and ending date - August 29, 2015 - August 30, 2015
Starting and ending time - 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Age limit - 35 and Older
Dress code - Classy

Venue: American Legion
51 Roosevelt Avenue
Valley Stream
New York 11590

Come join us for a night of absolute fun and don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet someone special. This event is a must-attend if you’re looking to change all of that. Hurry and buy the tickets

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