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Ago 1

Shake The Shacklewell III - Alldayer

Com The Spook School, Bunnygrunt e 4 outros artistas em The Shacklewell Arms

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Sábado 1 de Agosto de 2015 às 14h00m


The Shacklewell Arms
71 Shacklewell Lane, London, E8 2EB, United Kingdom

Tel: 020 7249 0810


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Hey, summer’s here and what better way to celebrate than with our annual "Shake The Shacklewell" alldayer at London’s coolest venue, featuring some of Fortuna POP!’s finest plus a bunch of other great bands.

Come along, grab yourself a pint of great beer (The Shacklewell always has a range of craft beers on tap) and a burger or a hot dog, hang out in the beer garden, watch some seriously cool bands and help us Shake The Shacklewell.

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