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Jul 20

Metaldays 2014

Apresentando Abinchova, Aborted e 83 outros artistas em Sotočje

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Domingo 20 de Julho de 2014Sábado 26 de Julho de 2014


Sotočje, Tolmin, 5220, Slovenia

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The METALDAYS Festival will present you a friendly and absolutely relaxed atmosphere, perfect for you to just forget about all worries and enjoy your most likely best holiday ever!

The festival is located at Sotocje, which lies inbetween the two mountain rivers called Tolminka and Soca. METALDAYS has two "festival-owned" beaches for you relax on. But the two rivers aren't the only reason Sotocje
is that beautiful: Tolmin is located only approx. 65 kilometers off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, which really gives you that holiday feel. Also the road you're travelling on will lead you through the Alps, a scenerie that will astonish both full grown metalheads and families with children alike. The METALDAYS area is also part of the Julijske Alpe National Parks, and the river Soca is one of the cleanest in Europe.

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