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Jul 22

S.U.N. Festival 2014

Apresentando Absolum, Aes Dana e 73 outros artistas em Csobánkapuszta

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Terça-feira 22 de Julho de 2014Domingo 27 de Julho de 2014


Csobánka, 2687, Hungary


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Tribal gathering and community place created by a loving team.

The Sun is the source of life on Earth, the light that inseminated the fertile grounds of mother Earth. From the earliest times mankind celebrated the summer and winter Solstice, the day when Sun stops at the turning point of its orbit to start a new journey on our horizon. The main rituals of every ancient civilisation were held on these special dates from the Maya to the Druids.

During the time of Solipse'99 a group of people started a new dream, a liveable way for mankind to carry on... this dream got stronger in the past years and a community was created with the same vision.

So we decided to come together twice a year to celebrate, to connect each other's inner Suns and our great cosmic father through love, music and dance.

Let's create new expression forms of the psytrance culture - a natural wonderland where there is a big festival once a year and that is an artistic and social place throughout the year.

Much love brothers & sistahs!

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