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Ago 1

Sound to Sea

Apresentando Bigg Taj, Glasgow Phoenix Choir e 7 outros artistas em Science Centre

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Sexta-feira 1 de Agosto de 2014Sábado 2 de Agosto de 2014


Science Centre
Glasgow, United Kingdom

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Fireworks, vibrant flares and live music will create a visually and musically stunning setting where boats and ships will double as stages for live performances! Over 150 performers will embrace a diverse range of musical styles spanning the genres of folk, rock, traditional, techno, bhangra-pop, classical, opera and choral.
Working with the best performance specialists in the country, outdoor art and pyrotechnic specialists Walk the Plank, aerial dance company All or Nothing and the Royal Navy, this visually spectacular outdoor gala performance is the only event of Festival 2014 set on the water and quayside of the River Clyde. It will celebrate and showcase Glasgow’s history, industry, dynamism and Scotland’s wealth of talent.

Programação (9)

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