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Nov 8

SLOW (36)

Apresentando Morton Feldman, Alvin Curran e 7 outros artistas em Concertgebouw

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Sábado 8 de Novembro de 2014Domingo 9 de Novembro de 2014


't Zand 34, Bruges, 8000, Belgium

Tel: +32 50 47 69 75


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Who would deny that you have a better chance of achieving quality if you take your time? Isn’t this especially true in art? Thinking, doing, moulding, revising, falling and getting up again. During SLOW (36h), we give you 36 hours to stop and pause. And naturally you only do that for something worthwhile. During SLOW (36h), ‘time’ equals ‘duration’; you decide yourself how much time you want to spend on any particular performance.
As composers, such as Morton Feldman and John Cage, and artists, such as Agnes Varda and the Japanese Buddhist monk Enkū, also realised, much can be said with minimal resources. Another strategy of getting to the essence is repetition, as is proven by those mesmerising Gregorian chants and the music of Erik Satie. Whether they come from dancer Marc Vanrunxt, painter Bernard Van Eeghem or avant-garde cult figure Phill Niblock, slowly evolving sounds and images - creation for creation’s sake - massage the senses and, perhaps, even lead to spiritual experiences. What you will take away with you is a powerful and lasting memory.

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