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Ago 6

The Werk Out Music and Arts Festival

Apresentando The Werks, Attak & Carma e 25 outros artistas em Legend Valley Concert Venue And Campground

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Quinta-feira 6 de Agosto de 2015Sábado 8 de Agosto de 2015


Legend Valley Concert Venue And Campground
7585 Kindle Road, Thornville, 43076, United States

Tel: 740-323-1485


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2014 description:

The Werk Out Music and Arts Festival 2014 serves as host to thousands of people; held at Legend Valley Concert Venue & Campground in Thornville, OH. The event marks the fifth year of the festival.

The festival brings awareness to musical styles that are the backbone of the vibrant music scene in the Midwest. It serves as showcase in a shared playground between artist and participant and draws people from all across the United States. The festival is the product of the band, The Werks, and Trickle Productions.

The shared experience in an outdoor setting attacks a multitude of artisans, vendors, performance artists, and festival-goers who all participate in a celebration that inspires love of life.

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