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Jul 18

A Happening...

Apresentando Deaf Center, F.S. Blumm e 6 outros artistas em Funkhaus Berlin

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Sábado 18 de Julho de 2015Sábado 18 de Julho de 2015


Funkhaus Berlin
Nalepastraße 18, Berlin, 12459, Germany

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„A Happening…“ steps outside Berlin’s concert routine to create a day full of attentiveness and collaboration. Set in Berlin’s Funkhaus, an acoustical and historical treasure, tempered with a line-up worthy of a festival stage, A Happening… will showcase the relationship between artist and architecture, space and sound, audience and musician.

In an oft-changing city, A Happening… provides the opportunity to be in and appreciate the now, while witnessing some of the finest experimental, ambient, and classical musicians collaborate with each other and the space.

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