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A year in music - Day 32

This is my top 365 tracks (as of January 3rd 2015, according to Last.FM charts). That means a song per day.

Day 32, (shared) 327. position: CMX - Surunmurhaaja (from the album Vainajala)

As a kid I couldn't stand Finnish rock songs. Finnish language just didn't "sound right". I grew up listening to Queen, Guns N' Roses and Metallica and English was the official language of rock 'n' roll.

But as I grew older I learned to appreciate Finnish bands. First was Mokoma, then Viikate and Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus.

When I was in high school, one of my friends was big into CMX, so he introduced me to them. At that point (which was early 2000's) I only knew few songs from them. I thought they both sucked. But once again the more I listened to them, the more I liked 'em.

Vainajala is one of my favourite albums and Surunmurhaaja is one of the best tracks in it.

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