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Scrobblr: Shazam-style scrobbling app

This month an experimental third-party app has come our way that's really piqued my interest. It's called Scrobblr, and uses the microphone on your android / ios device to identify music and scrobble it to your profile.

The reason it's got me excited, is because it means you can potentially scrobble anything and everything you can hear – broadcast radio; TV; car stereo; games console; CD, Vinyl, Cassette; and services that don't natively scrobble like soundcloud, youtube, and xbox music. The developers even claim (though we've had mixed results ourselves) that you can scrobble music heard out and about at pubs and clubs.

For example, I've been using it to scrobble BBC radio while simultaneously streaming it through my phone (photo pending), and also to scrobble the radio stations that play on Grand Theft Auto V. One of the biggest complaints/requests we've had regarding the Xbox app is that it doesn't scrobble music in the background while gaming – using this app you can do just that.

While the app is still in its early stages of development, I'm certainly very excited in its potential, and I'd be eager to know what you think – especially if, like me, you listen to music on platforms that are difficult to scrobble (like broadcast radio and cd). I'd also be curious if you can find a more obscure way of scrobbling music via Scrobblr than GTA radio stations. :)

You can download Scrobblr for free here:


More info:

Make every play count. ;)

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