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contemporary popular

people are quick in pigeonholing a broad spectrum of music from different genres and styles as "contemporary classical". if this would make sense, the music most people actually listen to is Contemporary Popular, again regardless of genre or style. in fact, "classical" or "popular" are not genres of music but broad terms for different forms of music creation and consumption. the defining criterion for Contemporary Popular is—popularity, music accessible to the general public via the mass media, and to a broad extent capable of being created by "everybody" without the need for a formal education in music and composition.

Popular music is not to be confused with 'pop music' which is a range of mainstream styles with conventional structures, and anyone is potentially able to enjoy (or disgust) it immediately.

Popular music is 80% of the music we all listen to, regardless of if we call it rock, metal, hardcore, alternative, pop, jazz, blues, folk, hip-hop, soul, funk, r&b, world, electronic, ambient, indie, underground, soundtrack or new age. the label doesn't make it. even some "classical" and so-called avant-garde and experimental music belongs to the realm of Contemporary Popular.

let's be honest, serious, and unbiased. Contemporary Popular is the music of our time.

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