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Another one of those listening to/shuffle things. :-D In joy of being reunited with my CD's. :-D

This is being done as most of my CD colection has came out of storage today. :-D I expect a lots of silly stuff here….

Rules -

Get you itunes/ipod/MP3 device/on system player and et it on song shuffle - then place the next 50 songs that you hear onto the list type thing below. No cheating to make yourself look cool, just admit it that you all love Backstreet Boys. ;-)

1 - Jiggery Pokery
2 - Zed's Dead, Baby
3 - The Wild Ones
4 - Shocker In gloomtown
5 - Bone Chain
6 - Gonna Be A Blackout Tonight
7 - Tryin' To Grow A Chin
8 - Varyags Of Miklagaard
9 - Tiny Voices
10 - Sunshine Highway
11 - Do You Promise To Tell The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth So Help Your Black Ass
12 - Hands Down
13 - You Gotta Love Someone
14 - I'm Shipping Up To Boston
15 - Slob
16 - Sexy Sadie
17 - On The Turn
18 - Prison Food
19 - Musical Chairs
20 - Radio On
21 - Strays
22 - Some Days It's Dark
23 - Supernaut
24 - Love Ridden
25 - Shadowplay
26 - Starman
27 - Watch Me Jumpstart
28 - Pearl's Dream
29 - New York City
30 - Not Only Numb
31 - Runs In The Family
32 - Pete's Sake
33 - For Giuseppe Franco
34 - Far Beyond Metal
35 - Apply Some Pressure
36 - You Will Always Love Me
37 - Hearthammer
38 - SRXT
39 - Just
40 - CD&W
41 - Electronic Performers
42 - Bruised
43 - Looking For Nothing
44 - The Way You Look Tonight
45 - Whitey
46 - To Remake the Young Flyer
47 - God
48 - The Walking Dead
49 - What Ever Happened To All The Fun In The World
50 - Drunk On The Blood

Not that bad me thinks. :-) I'll edit band names later. :-)

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