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Tonight's show!!!

Thu 11 Mar – Hop Along, Mattress, Pujol, mimi and christian

Well lets just say Lithuania, which features two members of Hop Along, set the night off great, they duo played some great indie influence rock. really wish that i could get their demo or music (if anyone could get it to me that would be fucken great!) then hop along came on & the were amazing from front to back, though their was some guitar trouble, seemed like the guitarist kept breaking strings, but whatever its a diy new brunswick basement show, next (and the last band i did stay for) was Pujol, who are from Tennessee, and they kicked a lot of ass. think some surfer rock infused w/ some fast rock n roll & punk and that them, the place lit up when they played, and they apparently just put out a 7inch which i guess i gotta get some how. but over all it was a fun bad ass show, hats off to the people that run Meat Town USA for putting on such a great show, must see all these bands again, and you all should definitely check them out & see them live that's for sure!

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