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Nine Years

I'm a little over a week late on this, but out of 365 days in a year, I'll take a few days. I also haven't been listening to as much music lately with where I currently reside. So I probably went only 100 or 200 songs past February 14th. So here's where my overall play count is:

1. The Cure - 6,659
2. Interpol - 3,923
3. Doves - 2,672
4. Nick Drake - 2,609
5. Sigur Rós - 2,105
6. TV on the Radio - 2,058
7. Franz Ferdinand - 1,667
8. Blonde Redhead - 1,658
9. The Mars Volta - 1,547
10. Radiohead - 1,519

It seems that there hasn't been much change over the past year, and since I don't listen to music quite as much in my current location, it's not a huge surprise. From what I notice Franz Ferdinand and Blonde Redhead flip-flopped. I also see that Coldplay has finally made it's drop off the Top 10 and has been replaced by Radiohead. I've been taking a break from Coldplay over the last year or so, so that's understandable. I wouldn't be surprised if they creep back in when I start listening to them a bit more.

1. Cold - 248
2. Hands Away - 221
3. PDA - 218
4. The Drowning Man - 201
5. Sæglópur - 199
6. NYC - 197
7. Helicopter - 193
8. Pink Love - 191
9. Obstacle 1 - 188
10. Banquet - 183

It seems that Cold will probably remain #1 for another year or two. Over the last year it only gained 4 listens and many of the other nine have had many more than that. Probably because of all the new music I've added over the last couple years. When you add a lot of music, your previous music gets played much less. Songs 1 - 4 are still the same, just increased in play count. The BIG surprise is that Sæglópur jumped up to #5! It was probably at around 11 - 15 previously, but I haven't seen quite a big jump in songs since, well, ever. I've not yet had a big jump since I started doing a Top 10. I guess the only other comment is that because of the new #5, Glósóli has been bumped out of the Top 10. At least it's been replaced by a song by the same artist.

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