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New Review - In Short Supply

Hey, perhaps we have a new feature on our hands! I've encountered two crackin' good bands lately, that unfortunately lack much material. That's about all they have in common, though!

SAVAGES - Been missing some darkness in your life? Craving some killer bass? Look no further than the first single from London-based SAVAGES. "Husbands" is a vicious assault on normalcy, a utter rejection in both content and style of anything safe and comfortable. Call it the new "goth", if you will - but SAVAGES lacks the macabre excesses and arty pretensions of the genre. Their sound is stark, direct, and visceral. You can check out "Husbands" via Soundcloud or YouTube, then buy the EP from Pop Noire.

Gasoline Stew and the Dump - Imagine yourself stranded in some remote section of the bayou, and you stumble upon a lean-to shack loaded down with junk. Now imagine that the inhabitants of this shack enjoy making plenty of racket, and record their ruckus in the basement with a defunct tape recorder. Add one guitar that hasn't been tuned in decades, and you might get Gasoline Stew and the Dump. Trust me - it's such a joy. And all three of their tracks (at least, the three that I know of) are available on their artist page.

That's it, for now. And if any of you musicians are reading this right now - keep up the good work, eh?

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